Digestion starter pack for dogs and cats Contains prebiotics and probiotics to help maintain native gut flora and support healthy digestion and a healthy digestive tract. Contains adaptogens, which are specialized, healthy natural plant chemicals, which may be able to identify digestive disorders and works to nutritionally correct digestive upset. Adaptogen content may help address bladder, kidney, and upper and lower urinary tract infections. Natural antioxidants and plant steroids may help fight stomach infections and may help limit stomach inflammation. Soothes stomach upset, may help support proper elimination, and nutritionally support balanced immune health.
Recommended use: For all life stages of dogs and cats; may help address digestive upset; may help encourage native gut flora; may help address chronic diarrhea and episodic diarrhea; may provide nutritional support.
Turkey Flavored.
Content: 30 capsules / 600 mg
Made in United States.